Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Newest Members of Our Family

I'd like to introduce to you, the two newest members of our family, Fin (on the left) and Taffio (on the right). You might remember (or maybe I've never mentioned it, I can't rightly say) that we previously had two guppies named Silly Lou and Tinkerbell. They lived long and boring prosperous lives and finally kicked the bucket (I wonder what's on a fish's bucket list...) so we decided that we'd use our little tank for the purpose for which it was designed, and we bought two male bettas.

This is Taffio. He's Little A's fish. You can't really tell in this picture, but he has quite a bit of purple (albeit DARK purple) on him so she chose him.

This is Fin, Big A's fish. He was determined to find a red one, and he succeeded.

If you know about bettas, you know that they can not be in the same tank. This little tank has a divider in the middle that can be clear so the fish can see through it which encourages them to 'puff' at each other, or you can slide another divider in so they can just have peace and quiet. We didn't want to let them 'puff' at each other right away, as we wanted to get them acclimated first, but tonight we took the divider out for awhile to see what happened.
Here is Taffio 'puffed' out. His is MUCH more aggressive and puffs much larger than Fin. He even has a spot around his mouth that puffs.

Here is Fin 'puffed' out. He just gets very full but not very spread out. Fin also doesn't really give Taffio the time of day, whereas Taffio just keeps staring at Fin and puffing out. It's actually pretty neat!
Now... If we could just get them to eat! The food says to feed them two times a day just as much as they can eat in 3 minutes then to remove the rest of the food. I've dropped one little pellet in there at a time and they hardly touch them. I THINK Fin ate his but Taffio keeps putting them in his mouth then spitting them back out.
So, if you're in need of a little entertainment, they perform at 8am and 7pm. Drop by any time!

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