Today was my first Monday off with my new 4 tens schedule. I got up this morning, got the kids ready, made a hot breakfast (something I'm SURE my kids have never seen before on a school morning, unless you count toaster waffles), took Big A to school and headed out to run errands with Little A. Before we knew it, it was time to pick up Big A and our afternoon was filled with more of the same.
I made sure last night and tonight that I fixed enough dinner for us to have it two more nights and so far it's working great (I've actually been doing that for awhile now, at least one night a week)! The dishes are done, the kids are asleep, everything is laid out for tomorrow, there's a load of wash in the dryer and another one washing, the blog is updated... I think I'll go watch Bachelorette!
Yep, I think I'm going to like this! Oh... And the kids like it too! We talked about it at dinner tonight so I could make sure that it's worth it to them to have me get home a little later the other night so I can have a full day with them. I mean... Of course I think I'd like working NO TENS better, but that's not an option so we'll make this work.

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