When passing a man walking a dot on a leash, Little A said, "Mommy, do you see that dog?"
Me - "Yes, I see it."
Little A - "What kind of dog is it?"
Me - "I don't know what kind it is, honey."
Little A - "Well it's not a pimple dog! Pimples aren't nice dogs!"
(For those of you who can't translate 3 year old dog breeds, a 'pimple' is a pit bull.... Get it???)
When passing the thousands of cows along I-5 at Harris Ranch, Little A commented, "Hey! They must be having a cow meeting!"
While singing songs in the car on the way home, and having just visited her Auntie Marilee and Uncle Larry, Little A entertained us with the following:
Roll, roll, roll your boat
Gently down the stream
Marilee, Marilee, Marilee, Larry
Life is but a dream
Oh, my... She sure keeps me on my toes! You never know what's going to come out of that little mouth! My lubs her!

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