We spent the first hour trying to figure out what we were going to do but once we'd settled on El Torito, we had a blast... Tons of laughing, talking, snacking, having fun and very little drinking, right? *WINK WINK*
There were six of us total, five moms and our favorite babysitter. (Is it wrong that we take our babysitter out on the town with us?) We actually closed down the bar. Our server brought our check and kept trying to get rid of us but we wouldn't leave. He finally left and gave our table over to a different server who checked on us a couple of times and then told us it was last call. They sure know how to ruin a good time!
That's pretty much how it is when this group gets together. We do it so infrequently that when we DO get out without husbands and kids, we don't want to go home. We closed the bar down the last time we went out, which we figured out was exactly a year ago. (We REALLY need to get out more often!)
I'll bet you're thinking we're a bunch of party animals, right? Okay, I'll be honest with you (although I really am curious as to what you're thinking about us....). Both times we were at restaurants/bars that closed at ten o'clock. I mean come on, we're MOMS! We still have to get up in the middle of the night to pass out water and calm bad dreams, we still have to get up with the sunrise when our children decide it's morning, and we still have to be able to function the next day. I can GUARANTEE that our husbands would have NO sympathy if we came home drunk and woke up hungover... We'd still have to do the same things we do EVERY other day.
Thanks for a great night, Ladies! I can't wait to do it again!

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