When Little A was born the VERY beginning of January, I vowed to make her birthday special and not let it be lost in the holiday madness.
I have to admit, I'm a slacker mom... Little A's birthday gets lost in the holiday madness.
It's not for lack of trying to keep it separate... It's not for lack of being prepared... It's just lack of time or something like that. She knows what kind of party she wants, I buy the invitations, and I try SO hard to keep myself organized and get everything done in a timely fashion but it just. Doesn't. Happen.
I get Big A's birthday invitations out and his party planned. I get his thank you notes finished just in time to send out 125 Christmas cards. I decorate, shop, wrap, shop, bake, shop, etc., all with the idea in the back of my head that I NEED to devote time to Little A's birthday. I take her to the party store to look at the party supplies, we buy the invitations, and that nagging is still in my head that I NEED to get started working on Little A's party.
Christmas comes and goes, and the UNOPENED packages of invitations sit on my kitchen counter. We go to Riverside... We come home... And the unopened packages of invitations STILL sit on my kitchen counter. I have TEN DAYS LEFT before the party. I lock myself in my room and whip out the invitations knowing that I HAVE to get them in the mail December 30 so that they will arrive in people's homes on December 31 or I lose another three days. I succeed.
The invitations get to peoples' homes ONE WEEK before Little A's party.
Sorry, Little A. I certainly don't love you any less and sure hope you forgive me.
Happy Birthday, Princess! (Stay tuned for more birthday pictures after her party!)