When Big A was a baby we had a perfect bedtime routine. Every night I'd get him in his jammies, make him a bottle and then we'd rock. While we rocked we'd read a story, sing a song and then say prayers. Most nights he was already asleep by the time we finished prayers. As he got a little older and he no longer took a bottle, we'd put jammies on and then read, sing and pray while snuggling together on my bed. We did this EVERY night!
When Little A was born we continued our routine but included her. We'd snuggle together on my bed, with me in the middle and a kid on each side. I don't know exactly why or how or when we stopped this routine, but somehow, some time ago, we did and I didn't even realize it.
Last night, as I stood at the kitchen sink doing dishes, I realized that I truly am a slacker mom. I do not read to my kids at night before they go to bed.
Nope! Not at all! Okay... Maybe like once every three weeks, but there is NO excuse for that! I was a teacher. I KNOW the importance of reading to my kids and yet, for some unknown reason, I stopped reading to my kids at night. This is HORRIBLE! AWFUL! This has to change!
So... Right here... Right now... In front of all of you, I am vowing to read to my kids at night. I'm bringing back the old routine! That's right, kids! There WILL be stories at night!

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