It's no secret that I've been having a rough week with Big A. I know I expect too much of him and I'm working on lowering my expectations to a more suitable level for a five year old boy but in the meantime I've been down on myself and living in fear that my child, my precious son, will become 'THAT' kid. You know which one I'm talking about, ESPECIALLY if you're a teacher.
Last week my dad suggested that my mom and I go out to dinner to give me an opportunity to talk and to get advice from my mom (She can help me with anything, right? Because she's my mom! Well... At least I expect her to know everything because she's my mom! And I by NO means mean that in a negative way! I REALLY do want her to know everything, and I tell her that all the time and I call her for advice all the time!). Tonight my dad babysat the kids and my mom and I went out for a nice, quiet dinner.
We talked about my ridiculous fear that Big A will become 'THAT' kid, we talked about some steps that I need to take around here to make things easier for me, she reassured me that everyone loves Big A and thinks that he's a wonderful child, we discussed how bright he is, etc. And you know what? She's EXACTLY right. It's not always easy for me to see it, because I'm his mom and I strive for too much perfection sometimes. But Big A is a five year old boy! He's not GOING to be perfect. He's not GOING to obey every single thing I say to him the first time I say it. He's not GOING to sit still all the time and never wiggle around. He's a five year old boy!
That being said... I LOVE MY KIDS! I love them so much it hurts! I thank God for them every day and I would never, in a million years, want to change them. My kids are GREAT!!
Thanks, Mom, for helping to open my eyes to what I know is true but sometimes gets clouded! And thanks, Dad, for suggesting we do this and for making it happen! I love you guys both SO MUCH!
But please... Next time I call you crying about the fact that I'm having a rough time with Big A (Or Little A for that matter... And I guarantee you, there will be a next time), don't remind me about this post. Just let me cry.... And THEN you can remind me about this post. :)

Love it, put a nice smile on my face;)
I love you SO much ... As Big A says, "infinity times infinity!" XOM
you don't think he is going to be Mario do you? is that in the back of you mind?
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