Monday, January 11, 2010

A Little Boy's Prayer...

In our house, both kids have a chance to bless our food at every meal. We go by odd days and even days to determine who goes first, and today was Big A's turn. Here's what happened...

Big A (In a quiet voice, almost a whisper...) - "Mommy, can I say the words that Grandpa always says?"

Me (Scratching my head and wondering what in the world was going to come out of his mouth...) - "Sure, Honey. Go ahead."

Big A - "Dear Heavenly Father..."

Me (In my own head...) - "OH! THOSE words! WHEW!"

Big A (These are his own words, not Grandpa's) - "Thank you for this food and please let Uncle Roy be safe in Heaven. Amen."

Um.... PLEASE PASS THE TISSUES!!! What a sweet boy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awwww ... what a sweetie! We sure love that kid!