Have you ever heard this song (sung to the tune of Ruben and Rachael)?
"I am slowly going crazy, 1.. 2.. 3.. 4.. 5.. 6.. Switch!
Crazy going slowly am I, 6.. 5.. 4.. 3.. 2.. 1.. Switch!"
This is how I've been feeling quite often lately, ESPECIALLY on Sunday morning when I had a little mini break-down. So... This is your chance to shine! I'm looking for tips on how to handle Big A's sometimes frustrating behavior. He and I have been butting heads quite often lately because you know... He's a five year old boy, and I'm... Well... I'm a mom who wants her son to behave all the time.
I know, I know... TOTALLY unreasonable. But seriously, I am tried of red and yellow days. I'd like to see a bit more green in our future. He really needs to focus on listening and on following directions the first time they're given.
Do you have any tips or tricks that worked for you? Are you willing to share? Please send them my way!

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