The day after Christmas, both Big A and Little A were seen in 'Urgent Care' because they were complaining about their ears. Of course they both had ear infections, their third ones since September. Don't get me wrong... Three ear infections in three months is MUCH better than an ear infection every three weeks, but still...
They were given antibiotics but the Urgent Care doctor thought that Little A's tubes might be plugged. I must say I was in agreement since Little A kept saying, "I can't hear you! Say it louder. What? WHAT?" That opinion was seconded by a doctor at our ped's office so we called the ENT and he got us in immediately.
The ENT put a little funnel like 'thing' in Little A's ears and whipped out his camera which he uses to look inside of ears, noses and throats. The camera projects the images on a giant television screen in front of you. It was pretty cool! Well... The findings weren't cool, but seeing inside her ears was cool.
Her tubes were DEFINITELY plugged. It looked like a lava flow of.... Well... Of whatever comes out of ears when they get infected. It looked like there was sap coming out of her tubes. CRAZY! I'm amazed the poor kid could hear ANYTHING!
Next step? Ear drops, five drops in each ear, three times a day for three weeks until we have another appointment. If this doesn't work she goes back to surgery. Now I know the surgery is 'no big deal' and I can handle that part, but I don't like the idea subjecting my baby girl to more anesthesia.
The other night she told me there were 'guckies' in her ear. I looked and looked and got a flashlight and looked some more. I couldn't see anything but residue from the drops which I believe is what she was referring to as 'guckies' but I COULD see the tubes if I got the right angle and they SEEMED to be looking better... Or so I thought... Tonight she's back on her, "I can't hear you! Say it louder!" kick.
So... I ask you to keep Little A in your prayers, that we'll be able to resolve this problem with the drops and that she won't need to go back to surgery.
Thank you!

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