Today I was offered multiple opportunities to think about God's plan. I found myself wondering why, if God loves us so much, he puts us through trials, why we suffer, why there is disaster, why we are faced with temptation, etc., etc., etc. Of course I can think of a zillion reasons why we are faced with these challenges, a zillion reasons why life is not roses and sunshine every day, but it still makes me stop and reflect.
A portion of today's sermon in church focused on the earthquake in Haiti. We discussed how we should not view the earthquake as God punishing the people of Haiti, but rather as God taking care of the people of Haiti by how much support has been rallied to send aid to them.
Later in the day I was talking to a friend about the trials and tribulations she's faced in her life this past year. She was telling me that she knows God has a plan for her but that she hasn't yet figured out what it is. She's chosen, although it has not been easy by any means, to view these difficult times as part of God's plan rather than viewing them as God punishing her in some way.
I think part of the reason that I've been thinking about this so much today is that I had an extremely rough morning with Big A... Small scale compared to the earthquake in Haiti and the troubles my friend has faced, but a snag in my well being and happiness, nonetheless. I was at my wit's end and wondering why God wasn't helping me by either making Big A act better, or helping me be able to handle the situation. I know that it's not that simple, really I do. But in the heat of the moment...
So what's my point? I don't really have one today... Just kind of rambling and sharing what's on my mind.
I guess my bottom line is that nobody knows the plan God has for them but if we can all remember that He DOES have one, perhaps we can rest just a little easier. And on that note, I'm going to go rest and think about the plan HE has for me.

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