Saturday, January 30, 2010

Everyone Needs Someone... Or Something

Big A and I were at church on Wednesday night for his final communion class (Stay tuned for more on that...) and the youth group was there making fleece tie blankets. Big A asked me if he could have one of the blankets and I explained that they were for people who don't have blankets or for people who are older and are alone and need some extra love.

He then asked me how a blanket could give someone love (GOOD QUESTION!). I told him that it's kind of like when Mommy isn't home and he snuggles with the Mommy pillow (a small pillow I keep on my bed and sleep with at night). Both kids like to snuggle with the Mommy pillow when they wake up in the morning and I'm leaving for work because it makes them remember me (according to them). Big A says it's like snuggling me.

I explained that if someone lives alone and some people visit them and bring them a nice, warm blanket, they will remember those people every time they use the blanket and they'll feel loved. With that I was pretty sure he'd gotten the point, but the subject was dropped.

Later that night I overheard the kids talking as they were falling asleep. Big A was saying to Little A, "At church they were making blankets for people who are alone. If they're alone and they have a nice blanket, it's like they still have people who love them."

Too cute!

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