Tuesday, October 13, 2009

B... B... Bear Blankie

This week is 'B' week in Big A's class and Wednesdays are letter sharing day (meaning that you share something that starts with the letter of the week). While driving home tonight we were talking about what Big A should bring for sharing tomorrow. We talked about bulldozers, backhoes, backpacks, boogers, brains, bones, bodies, boys, bubble gum, binkies, and finally blankies. Those of you who know Big A well know that he has a favorite blankie called, 'Bear Blankie'.

The conversation went like this...

Me: "I know something that you could bring! It goes in your mouth."

Big A: "Bubble gum!"

Me: "OH! That's a good idea, but that's not what I was thinking of. It's something that goes in your mouth. Well actually, it doesn't go in YOUR mouth but it goes in Little A's mouth."

Little A: "MY BINKIE!"

Me: "THAT'S RIGHT! GOOD, Little A!"

Little A: "And my blankie!"

Big A: "Yeah, blankie starts with B."

Me: "That's right! Blankie starts with B. And if you brought Bear Blankie you'd have TWO Bs! B b BEAR and B b Blankie!"

Big A: "Yeah, but I don't want to bring Bear Blankie."

Little A (at the same time as Big A): "HEY! I HAVE TUBIES!"

Get it? Come on! Tell me you got it...

Okay... Read that last part again....

Got it now???


I thought it was funny!

1 comment:

Bek said...

Thanks for explaining...because I'm too slow for that kind of quick humor these days. LOL That's adorable. :)