Last night Big A had a sleep over at Grandma and Grandpa's while Little A and B and I attended our friends' annual Schmittoberfest. After the party B told me that he wanted to take me to get my Christmas present. Of course I protested telling him that it was only October and that if I got it now I'd have nothing to open on Christmas but he assured me that I'd be very happy and that he wanted me to have it before I got to Fresno in two weeks. Twist my arm... It is after all, a present!
He wouldn't tell me where we were going but we ended up at Best Buy (eyes rolling - HIS favorite store, NOT mine... Take me to Kohls, take me to Target, anywhere but Best Buy!) where B surprised me with this...
An iPhone it is not... I already have a phone that I like. It's an 8GB iPod Touch! Seriously? I can play games in bed? I can Facebook from anywhere there is Wi-fi? WOW! My husband loves me! Thanks, B!
After our trip to Best Buy (I could learn to like it there... Maybe... Okay, maybe not...) we went to Coco's for dessert. Little A didn't liker hers much... Can you tell???
And then we went home and played with my new toy. And I was SOOO nice! I let B play with it even more than I played with it. Thanks again, B! Merry Christmas to me!
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