Big A spent the afternoon at Grandma and Grandpa's today so that I could keep Little A stay calm and resting (she was sick this morning). When Grandma was bringing him home this evening, she asked him what he'd learned in Chapel today.
Grandma - "So what did you learn in Chapel today?"
Big A - "We learned about God and Jesus."
Grandma - "You always learn about God and Jesus because that's what Chapel is for. Tell me something specific you learned today."
Big A - "We learned about Palm Sunday and Happy Friday. I don't know why it's called Happy Sunday, though. That's when they crucified Jesus."
Grandma - "That's right. Do you know how they crucified Jesus?"
Big A - "Yes, they nailed him to a cross and that's not good so I don't know why they call it Good Friday (Yes, this time it was 'Good' Friday and not 'Happy' Friday)."
Grandma - "Well... That's a good question to ask Intern John."
Big A - "Intern John doesn't know either."
Big A - "I wonder how they nailed Jesus to the cross. Did they lay the cross on the ground before they nailed him to it?"
Grandma - "That's another excellent question. You should ask Intern John about that, too."
Grandma - "Do you know when Palm Sunday is?"
Big A - "No."
Grandma - "Is it next Sunday?"
Big A - "No, next Sunday is Easter but maybe last Sunday was Palm Sunday."
Grandma - "That's right. Remember before the Easter egg hunt all of the kids carried the palms into the Chapel and placed them on the altar?"
Big A - "Yes."
Grandma - "Do you know why it's called Palm Sunday?"
Big A - "No."
Grandma - "When Jesus came into Jerusalem before he was crucified, all of the people were happy to see him and they laid palm leaves on the ground for him to walk on."
Big A - "Actually, Grandma, he was riding a donkey!"