As a parent, you only want the best for your children, right? The best schools, the best activities, the best environment, etc. This includes finding the best care for them when you can't be with them.
A few months after Little A was born we started looking for someone to come into our home to watch the kids 3 hours a day, 3 days a week. We are lucky to live in a college town, so we turned first to the college's job link where students look for jobs. This proved to be a gold mine, sending 15+ applicants our way. We interviewed all of them and selected the one whom we felt was the best fit. C was wonderful, but unfortunately (or fortunately as the case may be...) she only stayed with us for one semester. She was going home for summer break and her fall schedule didn't work with the hours we needed.
We reposted our ad on the job link and again were given our choice of qualified applicants. We were lucky to find A but she only worked for us through the summer because like C, A's fall schedule didn't work with ours. (The kids still ask to see A every time we go to Costco, though... A, you have not been forgotten!)
By this time we were becoming pros at using the job link but getting frustrated with the tedious process of finding just the right person to be trusted with our most prized possessions when along came MOLLY! (Molly, this post is for you, and not just because you feel like you don't get enough blog time!) To put it simply, MOLLY ROCKS! We love her, the kids love her, our friends love her (Yes, I WILL give her up occasionally if you ask nicely)... She has become part of our family. It melts my heart to watch the kids interact with her, asking for "one more goodbye" as she's getting ready to leave, shouting to her from the doorway as she walks to her car and asking every day if it's "a Molly day".
Molly plays with the kids, colors with them, takes them for walks, etc.... Everything you would expect a 'nanny' to do, but she does SO much more! Molly finishes dinner for me if I leave it in the crock pot, gives the kids baths if they get dirty in the sand box, accompanies us to doctor appointments for moral support, takes the kids on special trips, comes early and/or stays late with little to no advance notice, attends birthday parties and family parties, the list is endless... And she does it all with a smile which us moms know, is NOT always easy! OH.... AND.... She schedules her classes around US! AMAZING!
We would never be able to replace Molly even if we tried. I worry about the fact that Molly told me the other day she is officially a senior. She then told me she'd be staying here to do the credential program, but realistically.... Yeah, she won't have time for us.... And that makes me sad. I know it will all work out, it always does...
So Molly.... We can never thank you enough for all that you do for us. THANK YOU INFINITY TIMES INFINITY, we love you!

I don't think that people without kids can ever realy understand how AMAZING it is to have someone watching over your kids that you trust.
Props to Molly. :)
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