This was sent to us by B's aunt, and it's too good not to share...
A Preacher finished the service one morning by saying, "Next Sunday, I am going to preach on the subject of liars. As a preparation for my sermon, I would like you all to read Mark Chapter 17."
The following Sunday, the preacher rose to begin. Looking out at the congregation, he said, "Last week I asked you all to read Mark Chapter 17. If you have read the chapter, please raise your
Nearly every hand in the congregation went up. Smiling, the preacher said, "You are the very people I want to talk to today... Mark has only 16 chapters."
Imagine how you'd feel if you were one of the people who raised your hand... Personally I'd want to crawl under the pew! It's bad enough to lie, but to lie in church?!?!
I'd like to sit here and say that I would NOT raise my hand if I hadn't done what I was asked to do, but who knows. We're put in situations every day where we have to make the decision to 'raise our hand or not' so to speak. We teach our kids that they may get in trouble for doing something wrong, but they'll be in MORE trouble if they lie about it.
Now if we could all live by that advice...

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