Our first stop was in Laughlin for a mini family reunion. We spend three days with distant cousins and relatives and enjoyed every minute of it. One of the people at the reunion was my Aunt Sharry whom Little A calls Big Rabbit (remember this post about Big Rabbit?). On Sunday morning, while waiting for family to arrive, Little A was jumping around the room and yelled out, "When are we going to see Big Carrot???"
After Laughlin we spent a couple of days in San Diego at the Wild Animal Park and Legoland. I highly recommend both places, but be prepared to do a lot of walking!
One morning the kids were playing in Grandma and Grandpa's hotel room closet while everyone was getting ready. The door was closed and we could not see what was going on, but the conversation went like this...
Little A - "Stop!"
Big A - "I'll only stop if you promise not to tell on me."
Little A - "Stop, Big A!"
Big A - "I'll stop if you won't tell on me."
Little A - "Okay, I won't tell."
Big A - "Okay, I'll stop whacking you."
Grandma rushed over and opened the closet...
Little A - "Grandma, Big A is hitting me!"
While at the Wild Animal Park, we took the kids into the petting zoo. This little animal was laying all alone and Big A was convinced that there was something wrong with him. He kept going over and checking on him and eventually he noticed that the animal only had one eye. He found a staff person and asked her about it. She told us that the animal had been born with Glaucoma and they'd had to remove it's eye at birth.
Little A ran over to Grandma and said, "Look, Grandma! One of his eyes is sleeping!"
The final stop on our trip was in Los Angeles where we visited with Great Grandma. The first morning there, I took the kids downstairs in our hotel for breakfast. When I found out that the breakfast buffet was $13.95 per person, we returned to our room and waited for everyone else to get ready so we could eat somewhere cheaper. Big A asked why we weren't eating in the hotel and I told him it was because breakfast cost $14. From then on, anytime we passed someone in the hall he looked right at them and said, "Breakfast is FOURTEEN DOLLARS!"
Ahhh.... Out of the mouths of babes! They sure know how to keep us on our toes!
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