Remember this post about what a horrible mother I am when it comes to Little A's birthday? Well here I go again... I realized the other day that I'd never posted pictures from her parties. How on Earth did I manage to blog about Grandma's birthday, Big A's birthday, Grammy's birthday and Daddy's birthday and forget to blog about Little A's? The poor child is going to have a complex as she grows up! I can't believe it! I'm AWFUL!
So without further ado... As I go bury my head in the sand and cry about how I'm favoring one of my children over the other (really I'm not, I love them both so much it hurts)... May I present to you...
Because Little A's birthday is so close to the New Year, we decided that it would be better to wait until the weekend after her birthday to have a party with her friends. On her actual birthday we celebrated with Grandma and Grandpa and Grammy and Papa. Little A requested tacos and burritos so one MIGHT say we had a private little fiesta...
When I turned 1, my mom started a tradition where each year on my birthday she bought me that many roses. She did this until I was 25 and it became too costly and then she started sending me a dozen. This is something that I LOVE and look forward to every year so when I had a daughter of my own, there was NO QUESTION that this tradition would be carried on.
Pink of course, because that was her favorite color du jour.
Grandma and Grandpa
Little A wanted Ariel decorations for her friend party. We decided against the "Ariel hitter" because I don't particularly care for the pull string pinatas since there's no guarantee that every child will get to pull a string and besides... There are much cuter things for little girls to do at birthday parties!
Getting ready to sing Happy Birthday
Opening presents... Notice the difference between this and the chaos of gift opening time at Big A's party. We were all AMAZED! The little girls just sat there and oohed and aahed over each package Little A opened whereas the boys wanted to touch everything, be right in the middle of everything, be crazy loud, etc.
Little A and her friends
And finally.... What party is complete without a ride in the John Deere Gator???
Happy 3rd birthday, Little A! I'm sorry that Mommy is a slacker. Please know that I love you very much and will try harder to be more prompt with my postings next year!

1 comment:
Wait a minute - I must be losing MY mind, because I have seen those pictures and rwad that story about the 'hitter' before today. Are you SURE you didn't already blog about that??!!!
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