Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Sick Kiddos

Stick a fork in me, I'm done! Yep... I've had enough. There have been viruses reeking havoc on our house for two and a half weeks now, and I'm quite ready for this to be OVER. We've been to Kaiser three times in a week and I'm headed there again tomorrow... UGH!

It started two weeks ago last Sunday with Big A and a horribly itchy rash that started on his face and spread over his entire body. The rash was followed by a cold which led to vomiting that began sometime in the middle of the night on Friday night/Saturday morning. I assumed (You know what happens when you assume!) that the vomiting was being caused by the gunk settling in Big A's chest, as he'd only get sick once a day (for three straight days) around 5 in the morning and would be fine after that.

In the meantime I came down with a cold that rubbed my throat RAW and then turned into a sinus infection and Little A wound up following in my footsteps (sans the sinus infection). She was up for two nights with a HORRIBLE sore throat but never seemed to get too congested.

Yesterday I took the kids back to Kaiser to see if they could give Big A something to help 'thin the gunk' but it became painfully obvious when Little A vomited in Kaiser's garbage can in the hallway, that what we were experiencing was NOT vomiting caused by 'gunk', but rather vomiting caused by a virus on top of a virus. GOOD TIMES!

So Big A has missed four out of the last twelve days of school (but has been keeping up on his homework) and Little A will miss her first day tomorrow. Hopefully by tomorrow they will both be feeling better so we can enjoy the long weekend.... IF we can get Daddy healthy! Now HE'S got the creeping crud!

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