Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Veteran's Day!

Veteran's Day... A day off work and school and a day to sleep in.

Really? Do you think I'm that selfish?

Today I want to thank all of the service men and women, past, present and future, who have (or who will) risk their lives to fight for my freedom.

I commend you for a job well done because I know it's something that I could never, in a million years, do.

Not only do you risk your lives day in and day out, but you've left your families far away while I have mine at my side...

You're forced to live and survive in conditions that I can't even begin to imagine while I sleep in my comfortable bed...

And you do it all willingly and with an open mind and an open heart.

Seriously.... YOU ROCK!

So no, today is NOT about a day off from school and work or sleeping in.

Today is all about YOU...

Thank you for a job well-done...

Thank you for keeping our country safe....
And thank you for my freedom.
Keep up the good work!
After the parade we went back to Grandma's to celebrate her birthday. Since we've been so sick lately, Grandma and Grandpa went out by themselves last night. Tonight we had cake and Saturday night we'll go out to dinner to REALLY celebrate Grandma.
Happy birthday again, Grandma!

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