Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving... First and foremost, a time to be thankful for all of the blessings God has given me, and also a time for family, and a time to stuff your face with turkey and all of the fixins. YUM! Apparently Thanksgiving is a time to dress up as Mary and Joseph and stargaze in broad daylight, too!

The kids and I spend Thanksgiving with Grandma, Grandpa, Big Rabbit and Uncle Alligator. Unfortunately, as usual, B had to work. Luckily, dinner was ready JUST IN TIME for him to take a plate of hot food.

The table was beautiful and in my mad dash to delete pictures after dinner to make room on my full memory card, I deleted my best table shot. BOO!

After dinner we sat around and chatted while eating pie and drinking coffee before cleaning up the kitchen and lazing in front of the TV. It was a wonderful, relaxing, family day.

OOOPS! Caught ya!
Boys will be boys!

And even little girls need snuggles from Uncle Alligator!

Happy Thanksgiving, from our family to yours!

Now it's off to bed so I can be up at 4am for Black Friday shopping... Let the holiday madness begin!

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