Saturday, November 20, 2010

Children's Youth Group Harvest Party

Today we had our monthly Children's Youth Group activity, an Autumn Harvest Party! We published the event as rain or shine, and it's good thing we did!

It was supposed to rain today but when I woke up to blue skies I had a glimmer of hope that we'd not get wet while harvesting. Although it was cloudy at noon, the rain was still holding off. If we could just make it two more rain-free hours... Yeah, not so much.

The harvest party started at 1pm, and coincidentally, so did the rain! But you know what? Neither wind nor rain not THICK MUD could stop this group from picking veggies and having fun!

Carla made this great sign welcoming everyone to the party. Thanks, Carla!

We picked bell peppers...
Yellow tomatoes...
Lemon balm...
Red tomatoes...

We had a wonderful time in the garden and then headed inside the church to wash and separate veggies, make Indian head pieces, and have a snack. While we TRIED to wash the mud off of our boots outside, we figured it was safer to take our boots off before going in. I LOVE this picture!

And I love all of these guys in their sock feet (because those of you who know me know that I HATE wearing shoes!)!

Thank you to Beverly for all of your work in the garden and for helping us have a wonderful Harvest Party! We had a GREAT time on Saturday!

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