There is nothing that warms your heart quite like someone lifting you up when you need it. When you Go Make A Difference (M.A.D.), you have the chance to share Jesus' love with others and encourage them. Your simple act of kindness extended to a friend, a co-worker or even a perfect stranger may be the very thing that God uses to remind them that you care about them, and more importantly that God cares about them.
If you know someone who has done something to Make A Difference for you, or if you have done something to Make A Difference for someone else share your story by calling 1-800-525-LOVE (5683) or email us at Send us a picture of your story, and if it is selected for our website, we'll send you a copy of Bruce Wilkinson's book You Were Born For This!
Jesus asked all of us who believe to, "Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven" (Matt. 5:16).
Little ways that you can Make a Difference could be:
* Buying someone a cup of coffee in line behind you at Starbucks
* Buying someone lunch in line behind you at the drive thru
* Writing someone an encouraging note
* Shoveling your neighbor's driveway
* Buying someone some groceries
* Sending a friend a card
* Picking up the tab for someone in a restaurant
* Watching your neighbor's kids while they go out
* Baking some cookies and taking them to work
The possibilities are endless! And remember… "Little things don't mean a lot, they mean EVERYTHING!"
So I challenge you right now... GO M A D!!! And I'll take it one step further... Leave me a comment telling me your story about random acts of kindness you've done or received!

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