There's no two ways about it, my 'baby' is growing up. *SIGH* Big A lost his first tooth on Saturday.
The new tooth popped up behind the baby tooth a few weeks back and by Friday night the two teeth together were making it uncomfortable for Big A when he ate. He mentioned it a few more times Friday night and Saturday and I told him I'd call the dentist on Monday but when I looked in his mouth during lunch on Saturday and noticed that the little tooth was (*IF YOU'RE SQUEEMISH, STOP READING FOR A MINUTE*) bleeding a little bit, I knew I could get it out.
ONE... TINY... YANK...
She also started crying at bed time when we told them that everyone in the house had to be asleep before the Tooth Fairy came. She was scared, but that didn't stop both kids from falling asleep right away (And I'm sure it had NOTHING to do with the fact that they'd not had naps and had spent the afternoon playing at Grandma's and then going to a birthday party at gymnastics where they ran and played for another two hours...).
When the tooth was nestled safely in the tooth tractor...
And Big A was nestled safely in his bed...
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