Thursday, September 30, 2010

Take 'Em Out, Take 'Em Out, Take 'Em Out.... REMOVED 'EM!

Well, today was the day... The day the staples were removed from mom's war wound knee. Last year when she had the first knee done, the kids and I went with her to the appointment so we could watch. Today only Little A had the privilege (It IS a privilege to watch staples be removed, right???) of going to the appointment (Well... And Grandpa of course) because the appointment was in the morning and Big A and I had prior commitments (STUPID WORK AND SCHOOL!).

Let the torture begin! (Okay, kidding! She said it didn't hurt that bad!)

Notice that Little A is holding Grandma's hand so that Grandma will be brave?


Bandaged up and ready to go!

After the appointment Grandma and Grandpa surprised Little A by inviting me to eat lunch with them at a local cafe. I walked in while she and Grandma were deep in conversation and when she looked up she had the most bewildered look on her face (She was about as surprised as I was when I found out that Mom was out and about walking up right on her two new knees without so much as a cane!). "HEY! I didn't know YOU were going to be here!" Too cute!
After lunch I went back to work and Grandma and Grandpa dropped Little A off at home so that Grandma could get home in time for her play date with Grandma Jeri. Have fun, girls! Don't do anything I wouldn't do!

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