Today was a GREAT day.
Dad and I arrived at the hospital around 10:30 to find mom alert in good spirits despite the fact that she'd not slept much the night before. She was disconnected from all tubes and machines and she'd already walked up and down the hall and back. We sat and chatted with her while a continuous stream of nurses, care partners, nursing students, therapists and various planners, coordinators and liaisons (discharge, home health, joint replacement, blah blah blah) came and went.
Dad's not very good at 'sitting still', so he only stayed about an hour before heading home to work on his 'projects' and I took up my post in the chair next to mom's bed where I read, talked to the people who came into the room, and tried to rest when she rested.
The day passed much like the morning with more people coming in and out, another trip up the hall with the physical therapist (this time she went all the way to the physical therapy room where she climbed up 3 steps and down 3 steps and then repeated it before heading back to her room) and two hours on the CPM (Continuous Passive Motion) machine. My dad returned just after five, and just in time to help us gather all of mom's belongings for the move to a private room by the window. NICE! This new room made it much easier for all of us to be in visiting with her because we didn't have to worry about disturbing the woman in the next bed.
Brian and the kids arrived around six for a date with Grandpa at the hospital cafeteria (strange, I know, but the cafeteria has pretty good food!) and tons of snuggles with Grandma which I'm sure help the healing process immensely!
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