We arrived at the hospital at 8:00am and she was wheeled into surgery at 10:00am. My dad and I enjoyed a good conversation over a cup of coffee on the beautiful outdoor patio and then returned to the waiting room to wait for the word that mom was out of surgery.
We got back JUST in time. We hadn't been sitting more than ten minutes when her doctor came and informed us that the surgery was over and that it had gone perfectly. We joked and chatted with him for a few minutes before returning to our spot on the patio to eat lunch.
After lunch we went back to the waiting room and read and chatted with people awaiting news regarding the conditions of their loved ones. It's always interesting to me (And maybe it's because I'm nosy... You know... I like to chase ambulances and stare at accident scenes, too!) to hear other peoples' stories. Today we met a woman whose husband was a retired civil engineer who was having a hernia removed, a family waiting for their father/husband to have bypass surgery and a woman who was walking along, took one misstep and fell and broke her shoulder.
When an hour and a half had passed with no word on mom's condition and where she was being moved to, my dad started asking questions. Immediately we were directed to a room in a different wing of the hospital and she was already there and awake and alert.
I spent the next few hours keeping her company and trying to visit with her while she dozed and chatted and dozed and chatted and dad went to Costco to get the tire on their car repaired.
Dad came back just minutes before B and the kids came for their nightly visit and boy was Grandma happy to see her grandkids! You KNOW she was happy (and drugged) if she let me post these pictures and blog about today's adventure!
And she even let me take pictures of the new knee (not that you can see much!).
I left her when it was time for the kids to leave, as I'd been there all day, she was resting peacefully and I thought she'd enjoy visiting with my dad for awhile (or he'd enjoy quiet time with her!).
If you're all not too squeamish, perhaps I'll take more pictures over the next couple of weeks as the bandages come off and the staples come out! You never know!
Anyhow... Thank you to all of you who were praying today and please continue to pray for a speedy recovery!
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