Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Big Day In Big A's Life!

Whew! What a day!

Today Big A completed his FIRST school project...

This is a book box that will be used to hold all of the little books he makes in school this year. The assignment was to get a shoe box and cover it with paper of some type (comics, wrapping paper, etc.) and then decorate it. Big A chose to use tissue paper squares with glue and water. He decorated each side different; 1 space, 1 tractors, 1 with "Big A's Book Box" and two with different transformers. He was SO proud of the finished product and I have to admit (although I MAY be just a WEE big biased) that it looked AWESOME!

Today Big A received his first homework packed (and finished almost all of it!)...

Today Big A realized that his first 'big tooth' is already coming in without having lost the baby tooth yet (although it IS loose)...

WHEW! What a day!

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