This is a book box that will be used to hold all of the little books he makes in school this year. The assignment was to get a shoe box and cover it with paper of some type (comics, wrapping paper, etc.) and then decorate it. Big A chose to use tissue paper squares with glue and water. He decorated each side different; 1 space, 1 tractors, 1 with "Big A's Book Box" and two with different transformers. He was SO proud of the finished product and I have to admit (although I MAY be just a WEE big biased) that it looked AWESOME!
Today Big A received his first homework packed (and finished almost all of it!)...
Today Big A realized that his first 'big tooth' is already coming in without having lost the baby tooth yet (although it IS loose)...
Welcome to A Little Slice of LIfe, where my hope is to chorincle our lives (in lieu of scrapbooking... Becuase that's just TOO MUCH WORK!) and the memories we create. I am a mother of two kids who are my world. We are active in our church and our community. We enjoy camping, spending time with family and friends and just having fun together.
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