Friday, September 24, 2010

Oregon Trail

Do you remember The Oregon Trail? You know, the one where you move your family and your wagon across the United States from Independence, Missouri to Oregon without killing them? We used to play it in elementary school in the computer lab on the old Apple IIE computers in black and green. Come on, I know you know what I'm talking about!

Well guess what.... They have an APP for that! Yep! They have an
Oregon Trail app for the iPhone/iPod! It's pretty fun, and JUST like I remember it.

I downloaded the app before we left for the cabin and played all the way through while we were driving. Guess what? I successfully moved my family and my wagon across the country! Sure, we got dysentery, Big A was carried away by eagles (twice), the baby kept breaking her arm, we kept losing Little A, etc., but in the end we all survived, and boy did it bring back memories!

So what do you say? Download it today and see for yourself!


Bek said...

OMgoodness, I LOVED that game! What a blast from the past! How funny.

Anonymous said...

all I remember is Kathy Keith doing her version of the oregon trail!!