Raise your hand if you agree!
Okay... So maybe every president wasn't George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, but really... I'm all about more days off. Besides... Who decided that John Tyler, Rutherford Hayes, Harry Truman or any of the other 39 presidents were any less important than Washington and Lincoln?
I had a long weekend (Friday and Monday off) made even longer by the fact that Little A was very sick last week so I was off Thursday and half of Wednesday. It was GLORIOUS!
But going back to work??? Not so much! Big A wasn't feeling well today and I have to say, I was almost (stressing the ALMOST) hoping he'd come down with something more serious. I shouldn't say that, I know I shouldn't... But a little more time off would be great! I guess I should quit whining... We're going on vacation soon enough, and I really need both kids healthy.
Fine, I'll suck it up and get ready to go back to work tomorrow... I'm going to be SO far behind but the time off was nice while it lasted.
We really should push this day off for every president idea... Who's with me???

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