Yesterday was B's birthday and we celebrated ALL weekend. Friday we had dinner with his parents and Saturday we had dinner with my parents (B's favorite.... Prime Rib!). There was lots of good food and LOTS of cake!
Yesterday I got up early and prepared B's birthday present.... A scavenger hunt! When we picked Big A up from school the kids and I gave B two birthday cards. The first card had a note in it that read:
A Birthday Scavenger Hunt
To gather your present
Here's your task
As well as the question
That you must ask...
You'll start with a hint
Then let it be said,
"Do you have something
for Uncle Fred?"
(Okay, so it didn't really say "Uncle Fred". It really had B's name there...)
The second card had Hint #1 in it which read:
Hint #1
Daddy takes daughter
And Daddy takes son
Then Daddy works there
Two days, not just one
Anyone have a guess as to where this hint took B? He quickly figured out where to go and went in to ask if they had anything for Uncle Fred. At stop #1 (the church office) he collected two CDs and Hint #2. Here he comes with his first gift and second hint.
Now and then
Here and there
Go to the place
That's like these pair
Any guesses? B didn't have any either. He was STUMPED! But I couldn't help him so I sent him back inside to ask for help and with the help of the church secretary they figured out that he was supposed to go to In-N-Out where he collected a $20 gift card and Hint #3.
Hint #3
Asian, Mexican
African , Colombian
Even one called Pike
That's downright American
There are 6 in this town
So you won't go without
The one that you want
Is the one to the South (and West)
B got this one with NO problem as he is a Starbucks fiend. There he picked up a $20 gift card and Hint #4.
Hint #4
Burgers and milkshakes
Burritos and fries
Zucchini and French toast
And a star that has eyes!
Again B had no problem. He LOVES Carl's Jr and used to work there (See? It STILL puts a smile on his face!). He picked up yet another $20 gift card and the final hint.
You've gathered some goodies
Don't complain about lunches
You can go feed the kids
Or eat alone a whole bunches.
Now the game's almost over
We hope you had fun!
Happy Birthday! We love you!
To pick up your very last final treat
Go to the place where we love to eat!
We have breakfast and lunch but not ever dinner
No potatoes just salad to try to get thinner.
B had to think about this one for a second, but it didn't take him too long to figure out that we were talking about Marvin's. Here he picked up a goodie bag filled with Monster drinks, dark chocolate and a couple of toy airplanes (thanks to the kids!) and a final note that read:
That's it! You've done it!
You've completed your hunt!
Now come out and get us
So we can have lunch!
The kids and I had fun keeping secrets from Daddy and planning this special game. There were times that I didn't think B was enjoying himself and it took him a few stops to get over the embarrassment of going up to random people in random places asking if they had something for him, but it was good for him!
1 comment:
That's so cute! How clever!
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