He said, "I need to figure out what I'm going to give up for 40 days." (Really? I had NO idea that he knew anything about Lent and giving something up!)
Me - "I have an idea! Why don't you give up red days?"
Big A - "MOMMY! It has to be something that I LIKE!"
Me - "Oh... Well, I was just thinking that red days would be a good thing to give up and then you could really focus on getting green days. What's something that you like?"
Big A - "Movies!"
Me - "Do you think you could give up movies for 40 days?"
Big A - "Yes."
Me - "But if you did that, it would mean you couldn't watch any movies when we go on vacation." (That would be a bummer since they got new DVD players from Santa.)
Big A - "Oh! Okay, not movies. I don't know then."
Me - "Okay, well we'll think about it."
So what are YOU giving up for Lent? I've got some ideas, but I haven't settled on anything yet.
Speaking of Ash Wednesday and the Lenten season, I read a friend's post on Facebook yesterday that really intrigued me. It said, "I've already given up (almost) every vice I had, thanks to my efforts to get healthy. So this Lenten season I am going to give instead of give up! I'll give away at least $5 a day in a random act of kindness to someone or something to which I feel led to contribute."
What a great idea! This is the second awesome story of giving I've heard this week. The other was from my sister. Her church is doing something called "Kingdom Assignments" in which 100 people willing to do God's work are each given a $100 bill. They take the $100 and use it however they see fit. In the past people have handed out $20 bills at Target in low income areas, grown the money and used it to start Children of Grace which serves AIDS orphans in Uganda, etc.
My sister said that when the program was reintroduced in church on Sunday, her hand was the first one in the air and by the time she left the service, thanks to donations from her loving friends and church family, her money had already doubled. She has decided to use her money to purchase pajamas for the Crisis Nursery. She is also going to try to get businesses, family members, friends and other local organizations to donate funds or pajamas. What an awesome undertaking!
Terri and Karen, I commend you! I think your willingness to give to others in need is wonderful!
What a great idea! This is the second awesome story of giving I've heard this week. The other was from my sister. Her church is doing something called "Kingdom Assignments" in which 100 people willing to do God's work are each given a $100 bill. They take the $100 and use it however they see fit. In the past people have handed out $20 bills at Target in low income areas, grown the money and used it to start Children of Grace which serves AIDS orphans in Uganda, etc.
My sister said that when the program was reintroduced in church on Sunday, her hand was the first one in the air and by the time she left the service, thanks to donations from her loving friends and church family, her money had already doubled. She has decided to use her money to purchase pajamas for the Crisis Nursery. She is also going to try to get businesses, family members, friends and other local organizations to donate funds or pajamas. What an awesome undertaking!
Terri and Karen, I commend you! I think your willingness to give to others in need is wonderful!

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