Here are a few of my simple pleasures:
* BABY HEAD! There is nothing better than the smell of freshly washed baby (or toddler or preschooler for that matter!)!
* A handwritten note from B. I don't get many, but I keep the ones I get and I have a collection of little ones on my desk at work.
* An hour at Starbucks with my mom... It doesn't happen often, but I sure enjoy it! If it's followed with a trip to Kohl's, it's even better!
* Sitting down to a meal at home with my family. Since B works most evenings, the nights that we all eat together are especially nice.
* Sunday night dinners with Grandma and Grandpa. It's a new tradition we've started and I LOVE it!
* Relaxing in my bed with a good book or a DVRed TV show after the kids go to bed.
* Waking up in the middle of the night and realizing that you still have an hour or more to sleep! YEAH!
* A chance to get together with friends without the kids. I love my kids more than anything, but it's nice to have uninterrupted adult time, as well.
* Falling asleep to the sound of pouring rain or a rushing river or creek... SO PEACEFUL!
* The hills changing from ugly summer brown to lush winter green.
These are a few of my simple pleasures. Some of them are things I can do whenever I want and some of them are things that only happen once or twice a year but I enjoy them nonetheless.
I challenge you in the coming week to take time to step out of your daily routine and think about the simple pleasures that are important to YOU. Take a moment to leave me a comment and tell me what they are!

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