Thursday, February 11, 2010

Let Them Eat Cake!

As a child I remember my mom sometimes eating pie or popcorn for breakfast and washing it down with a can of Coke (two thumbs up, I must say!). I also remember that I was never allowed to eat that for breakfast. Such a double standard, huh? Now when B has diet Coke with his breakfast and the kids ask why they can't have soda with breakfast and daddy can, the only answer that really works is, "Because he's the daddy. When you're an adult you can have soda with breakfast."

Tonight at dinner Big A said, "I can't wait until I'm a Mommy (Yes, he said Mommy. No, it's not a typo.) so I can make decisions about what to have for dinner."

Me - "Do you not like what we're having for dinner?" (It was spaghetti, one of his favorites!)

Big A - "I like it, but when my wife goes to a meeting and I'm home with the kids, I'll let them eat cake!"

I love it! A boy after my own heart! Other than the fact that I'd probably get arrested for malnourishing my children, I have NOTHING against cake for dinner! You go, Big A! Let them eat cake!

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