Today started out like any other day... Alarm went off, got up, went to work, worked all day, etc... At some point I noticed that my neck was hurting a bit but I figured I'd slept funny on it, no big deal. As the day wore on I realized that the other side of my neck was hurting and by the time my work day was over I had full blown body aches. You all know what THAT means...
As much as I love coming home to my kids, I was dreading it just a bit as I was totally zapped of all energy and not looking forward to three more hours of dinner, playing, baths, and bedtime. I picked up McDonald's on the way home figuring that at least ONE of my Mommy duties would be easily fulfilled. My plan from that point was to eat dinner, give the kids a bath, and then have a movie night. I got home, snuggled the kids, passed out burgers and we ate.
Then it started... Big A started complaining that his ear was hurting and and it was clear that he was in a great deal of pain. He kept rubbing his ear on his shoulder, holding it, and groaning. Of course it was too late to call the doctor and all I could do at that point was console my crying boy, give him some Motrin, and put a warm compress on his ear. I gave the kids quick baths, took care of Big A, got him situated in my bed to watch TV for a bit and then came downstairs with Little A to work on writing the letter B (she ASKED to do it!!).
I was sitting at the table with Little A when it hit me... Somehow, somewhere, I'd gotten a second wind... An unexpected burst of energy that only a Mommy can muster. Big A's problems had made me completely forget about myself as the kids' needs will ALWAYS take priority over my needs. I'll never understand where this extra energy comes from or why (Okay... Maybe that's not ENTIRELY true... Thanks, God!), but I do know one thing... Mommies can't get sick!

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