Every evening I ask the kids how school was and make them tell me at least three things they did that day. I hear a lot of, "We did math, language arts, and worked on a project," or, "We ate snack, played outside and I played in the play house," and always I make them elaborate to tell me WHAT the math was or WHO they played with, etc. Tonight Big A told me that they did math, language arts, and Writer's Workshop.
Well, as usual I pressed for more information. I asked if they were still measuring things in math and he told me that they were. I asked what they'd worked on in language arts and he told me they'd worked on the letter 'P'. Then I asked what they'd written about in Writer's Workshop today and he said that they didn't write today, that they'd done partner reads.
Really?!?! Partner reads in Kindergarten?!?! (Reason number 6,372 why I LOVE Big A's school so much!) So I took it a step further... "What are partner reads?"
Big A - "Oh! It's where a partner reads your paper and you read theirs."
Me - "WOW! What do you look for when you read their papers?"
Big A - "We look for finger spacing, capitals, periods, question marks, exclamation points, all that stuff."
Me - "WOW! That's GREAT!!" (See?!?! I. HEART. HIS. SCHOOL.!!!)

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