Happy birthday to our precious daughter!
Remember that birthday party I had just two days to pull together? Sandwiches, chips and cake.... Nothing fancy, just simple and fun. The kids had a picnic on the bunk room floor then ran and played inside and outside and the rain held off just enough for them to do so.

And the adults enjoyed 'grown-up' sandwiches and adult conversation.

Molly made another SPECTACULAR cake, this time Little A's favorite, Hello Kitty.
It tasted great, too!
Thank you, friends, for all of the wonderful gifts! I love watching the kids gather around and watch each other open presents. The older girls were so sweet to help Little A read the cards and every time Little A would feel crowded she'd pick up whatever she was opening and move to an open spot on the carpet. Within a couple of minutes the whole group had gathered around and when she picked up the next gift she'd move again. The pattern continued until she was finished opening. Too cute!

After all of our friends left I cleaned up the house and packed up the car then put the A's jammies on them and fed them dinner... Remember, I'm a slacker mom...
Little A's birthday dinner... Cheerios and toast!
Little A, we love you so much! I can't believe you're four years old today.

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