Sunday, January 9, 2011

Big Aism - Dirty Feet

Tonight we went to a dinner at our church. Little A was with Grandma and Grandpa and rather than wait for them to pick us up, Big A and I decided to walk over (just around the corner). For some reason, one half of one of the blocks on the way to church doesn't have concrete, just dirt. As you can imagine, it tends to be quite muddy this time of year. Right now, having had quite a few dry (but C O L D) days in a row, the dirt is MOSTLY dry. There was however, one small patch that was a bit muddy.

As we approached this mud hole I said to Big A, "Be careful, don't step in the mud," as I figured from experience (being a typical boy and all) that he'd head straight for it.

He replied, "I know, I didn't want to step in it because I knew God wouldn't want to have a dirty house."

Man, I love that kid!

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