Today is the last day for Big A to get fitted for his tux before I have to pay a late fee... Guess it doesn't take much to figure out what WE'RE doing today, huh? We're headed to the Men's Warehouse for a tux fitting. Who knew a tux for a five year old would be so expensive!
But really, that's not the point of my story. The point is that last night, as I was tucking the kids in, I was reminding Little A that we had to go get fitted for his tux. He sighed and said, "I know." Then he asked, "Mommy, what's a tux?"
Geez! It never even crossed my mind that he wouldn't know what a tux was! So I said, "Well... It's a nice shirt, a jacket, nice pants and fancy shoes."
Big A - *With Frustration* "AWWWW!"
Me - "What's wrong???"
Big A - "I don't want to look handsome, Mommy! I want to look old and dirty like Grandpa!"
Remember the big day the kids had yesterday with Grandma and Grandpa?? They sent me this picture of Big A. Does he remind you of anyone? I mean really... If you read the title of the post, you just MIGHT figure it out, but....

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