Saturday, July 3, 2010

Lazy Saturday

Today was a much deserved LAZY day! The kids didn't wake up until after 8 and we took our time getting up and around. We ate breakfast lunch (mother of the year award for me!), played a little, and then the kids took naps.

In the late afternoon we met my mom at Kohl's to look for socks and a shirt for Little A's hip-hop dance class she's starting on Wednesday. We got cute socks and a few fun things off of the clearance rack, but struck out in the shirt department. BUMMER! Oh well... That means I get to go to Target tomorrow! WAHOO!

After Kohl's we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's house for ribs, baked beans, broccoli salad, garlic bread and strawberry shortcake. Talk about YUM! It was nice spending time with my niece, who joined us for dinner.

And finally.... What my kids have been asking about since last Wednesday.... FIREWORKS!!!!

We bundled up and headed out to the coast to watch the fireworks show. It was a BEAUTIFUL night... Cold, but clear! We found a perfect spot to back the truck into, set up our chairs in the back, bundled up in our blankets and enjoyed the show!

Can't wait to do it all again tomorrow!!

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