WHEW! I've decided that as much as I love my new schedule, three day weekends are no longer enough. I need at least four days, especially in summer! This weekend was another jam packed one!
Saturday we got up and packed as the kids were heading to Lake County for a visit with Grandpa Jim and Sinda, and B and I were heading out to Ocean Cove to camp with the Kennadys. We packed bags, packed the car and left to run errands. We had to go to the store, to the Kennady's house, and to get Big A fitted for his tux.
After that we went to a birthday party for one of the kids' best friends. We left the party, dropped the kids off with Grandpa Jim and Sinda, and headed out to meed our friends.
Once there we unpacked, set-up the tent, fixed dinner and then enjoyed a relaxing, kid-free (Well... There were kids there, but they weren't ours... That makes a HUGE difference!) evening and morning.
It was a LONG couple of days, with a LOT of driving but it was worth every second! An AWESOME (in the words of both Big A and Little A) time was head by all and we all can't wait to do it again!

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