Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Is It Bad That...

...My kids know when they've said something funny and tell me, "Write that down for the blog, mommy,"?

...I fell asleep in the bathroom while we were camping? I was hot and tired and I went in to go use the restroom and realized after a few minutes that I had dozed off.

...While we were camping this little guy found a beer bottle, toddled away as quickly as he could into the butterly tent, and knew exactly what to do with it?

...I was supposed to be at church at 10 o'clock Monday morning to help clean the Sunday School supply closet and I COMPLETELY forgot?

...When waiting in drive-thru lines my kids yell, "WAKE UP AND DRIVE," at the cars in front of us?

1 comment:

Bek said...

Best camping picture *EVER*! Thanks, Amy!