We've spent the past week guessing who will get sick when and what type of antibiotics they will be prescribed. Sound confusing? It's like this... Last week during VBS, I ended up with Strep Throat and was given Penicillin. On Saturday Little A's ear infection flared up again and they put her on Augmentin. I tried REALLY hard to keep my distance from B and the kids so they wouldn't get sick, but B ended up with Strep as well. Since he's allergic to Penicillin, they gave him Zithromax. Well that only leaves one person, Big A. So far he seems to be doing okay, except that he's done some things in the past couple of days that are VERY uncharacteristic for him.
For starters, he's slept until 8 or 9 every morning this week. Yesterday he got himself dressed, and instead of wearing the shorts and t-shirt I'd left out, he put on pants and a different shirt. It's very unlike him to opt for pants over shorts. Finally, at rest time, he fought B to not have to lay down and rest (they weren't even being asked to sleep, just rest) and within five minutes he was asleep. Last time this happened he was coming down with something so of course my first thought is that he's getting sick. That remains to be seen...
So... Last night I had finished brushing Little A's teeth and sent her to climb in bed. I was getting cutting Big A's finger nails and decided I'd check his temperature, just to be safe. I hollered into the other room, "Little A, can you please bring me the thermometer?"
Little A hollered back, "Okay, Mommy!!" We hear rustling around, Little A talking to herself a little bit, and then a LOUD static... I'm thinking, WHAT is she doing??? And around the corner comes Little A....

**For the record, Big A had no fever (which I didn't think he would) and we'll just play the rest by ear! (Bad joke considering he was telling me his ear hurts!)**
1 comment:
Hope everyone feels better soon.
Hugs and Love to all
Auntie A.
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