Friday, July 2, 2010

A Date With My Kiddos

B had to work tonight, the sixth Friday he's worked since the beginning of June. When I asked the kids what we should do, they said we should go to the movies (perhaps it was because we were driving by the theater when I asked???) to see Toy Story 3. We pulled into the Starbucks parking lot so I could use WiFi and I checked the times. It just so happened that Toy Story 3 was playing across the street in 25 minutes so why not??

Cute movie! Big A and I both left the theater in tears. I can't get over how sentimental he is! I felt kind of silly crying at the movie but when I posted this true confession on Facebook, I found out that all of the other mom's of sons had cried, too! That made me feel better!

On our way out of the theater we stopped to use the restroom and Little A squished her fingers in the stall door. I was going to ask the security guard for ice, but by then Little A had stopped crying and I was afraid that if I did we'd be stuck there filling out accident reports, etc., so we left. When we got to the car she was complaining about the pain and starting to cry a little bit so I called B, who works right down the street, and asked if he could get us some ice, which he did. Daddy saved the day!

I didn't think they kids would be hungry for dinner since they'd eaten an entire large popcorn between the two of them (Okay, I had a LITTLE bit but movie theater popcorn isn't really my thing. Grandma's popcorn... THAT'S another story!) but they were. After picking up ice from Daddy we headed to In-N-Out.

And finally home to bed! We had a fun date night, and can't wait to do it again. Maybe next time we'll invite Daddy!

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