B had to work tonight, the sixth Friday he's worked since the beginning of June. When I asked the kids what we should do, they said we should go to the movies (perhaps it was because we were driving by the theater when I asked???) to see Toy Story 3. We pulled into the Starbucks parking lot so I could use WiFi and I checked the times. It just so happened that Toy Story 3 was playing across the street in 25 minutes so why not??

On our way out of the theater we stopped to use the restroom and Little A squished her fingers in the stall door. I was going to ask the security guard for ice, but by then Little A had stopped crying and I was afraid that if I did we'd be stuck there filling out accident reports, etc., so we left. When we got to the car she was complaining about the pain and starting to cry a little bit so I called B, who works right down the street, and asked if he could get us some ice, which he did. Daddy saved the day!
I didn't think they kids would be hungry for dinner since they'd eaten an entire large popcorn between the two of them (Okay, I had a LITTLE bit but movie theater popcorn isn't really my thing. Grandma's popcorn... THAT'S another story!) but they were. After picking up ice from Daddy we headed to In-N-Out.

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