Thursday, July 15, 2010

Cousins And Birthdays

This week my niece and nephews are staying with my parents while my brother and sister-in-law are on a pioneer trek with their church. Since there are already four kids there, it makes sense to invite the other cousins adding four more kids, right? It just so happens that one of my nephews, the little guy on the far right, had a birthday yesterday so we got to have a party!

And while we were celebrating Landon's birthday, it's only fair to celebrate his brother's birthday, too, since it's in just a few days.

The Birthday Boys

Mom went all out for this little party. The boys had a chocolate cake, presents and even a pinata! Here are all the kids waiting patiently for Grandpa so they can take a whack at the hanging car.

Landon getting blindfolded

Swing, Batter!

I missed getting a picture of Drew, but Tyler, who will be 10 in a couple of weeks, took ONE SWING and knocked the car down. That's why we made him go last.

Gathering the loot

Why yes, those ARE trick candles on Tyler's side of the cake.


All in all I think they boys had a fun 'birthday party' and I KNOW all of the cousins had a great sleep over last night. I can't wait to hear all about it!

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