Last week my mom asked if they could take the kids to Southern California with them. I immediately answered that they could go, without even thinking about it. I mean, of COURSE they can go. I trust my parents, I know they'll watch them like hawks, I know the kids are safe, etc.
But then came the night before they left... The night that I realized my kids were leaving... The night that I realized that I wouldn't see them for three days... The night I realized that I've never been so far away from both kids at the same time...
And a bit of panic set in. Okay, so maybe panic is the wrong word. Maybe it was more like sadness. There I was, tucking the kids in and telling them I'd see them Friday, and silent tears were rolling down my cheeks. I had no control, they just came. I KNOW that my kids will be fine and I have NO idea what got into me that night, but for just a moment I was a bit of a mess.
The feeling passed quickly and I'm glad that the kids went and are having a good time with Grandma and Grandpa, but why didn't anyone ever tell me that being a parent would turn me into such a sissy? Why didn't anyone ever tell me that I'd get choked up and any little thing that has to do with my children?
Nobody warned me about this!