Thursday, December 2, 2010

Slow The Train Down!

Big A - "Mommy, tomorrow morning I'm going to get up and fix myself breakfast and get dressed before anyone else."

Me - "Okay, just be careful," thinking in my head, "Sure you are!"

Fast forward 24 hours....

Me - "Big A, did you get up and make yourself breakfast today?"

Big A - "Yes, I went down and made one waffle and ate it then got dressed."

Me - *Calling B to double check...* "Really, buddy??"

B - "Yes, he did. He fixed himself a waffle and saved one for Little A because he thought there were only two left. By the time I got up he was already fed, dressed and his bed was made."

Me - *A bit of sadness and disbelief at how quickly my baby boy is growing up and also a bit of hope that I can leave food out and sleep in on Saturdays...* "Wow, Big A! I'm SO proud of you! You're really growing up!"

Big A - "Tomorrow I want cereal. Can you leave it out for me?"

Me - "Sure. I'll put out cereal, bowls and spoons and I'll pour some milk into a container you can pour from."

Big A - "Okay! I want Raisin Bran."

Little A - "I want Cheerios!"

I get down two boxes of cereal and leave out two bowls and two spoons and pour milk into a measuring cup with a handle and pour spout.

Yes, I'm sure you can see where this is going. Today Big A AND Little A got up early. They went downstairs and ate breakfast then opened day 2 of their advent calendars opened their Advent calendars and had chocolate before cereal then came upstairs and got dressed and made their beds.

Tonight before bed Big A asked me to move the waffles closer to the front of the freezer so he can reach them tomorrow morning. Am I no longer needed except to reach items from high places?

Okay, I know that's not true and I'm thinking that MAYBE.... JUST MAYBE.... This will let me sleep in on the weekends. I figure if I leave food out the night before and show Big A how to turn the TV on (which I promised I'd do tomorrow night) they'll get up and go down and I can catch a few more Zs....

Wish me luck! Oh... But if you want to slow the train down so I can continue to enjoy their childhood, that's fine too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You just don't know yet, but the time flies faster each year. Yes they are growing up. Wonder where all of the time has gone. Today is Nicoles' birthday and I am sure it hasn't been that long ago. But the birthdays don't lie. Enjoy each day as if you are not sure their will be another one.
Love you All Auntie A