Thursday, December 23, 2010

Manis, Pedis, Lunch And Movies

How many people can really take a day to relax in the midst of the Christmas mayhem? I can name three!

Today, my first day of Mandatory Time Off, Little A and my mom and I went to get pedicures (Well... Cute almost-four-year-olds get manicures, too, of course!) and the went out to lunch while Grandpa and Big A did 'guy stuff'... You know... Smog checks, the feed store, lunch at the Mexican restaurant, etc.

We had given Grandma a gift certificate for a girl's day for her birthday, and she decided to cash it today. Little A was THRILLED that she got to come along. She was SO excited about her polish, as well as the fact that she got to sit in her OWN chair!

After our pedis we ate lunch at a local deli and ran a couple of errands while waiting for the boys to finish their jobs. The showed up and oohed and aahed over Little A's polish, the way nice grandpas and brothers do (Thanks, guys! Points for you!) and then we went our separate ways, Grandma and Grandpa to their movie(s) and us to ours. We saw Yogi and the kids LOVED it! It was... Okay. It kept me entertained, but not like Tangled (I HIGHLY recommend Tangled!).

We followed our movie with dinner at Jack in the Box and a trip to see "the smoking Santa" (It's a long story, don't ask!) and got home just in time for bed. It was a GREAT day and I enjoyed spending time with my kids!

I can't believe that two days before Christmas I'm able to just relax! I guess I owe it to my mom and dad who've had my kids for the past two nights! THANKS, Grandma and Grandpa! I needed that!

Tomorrow it's off to the mall to see Santa.... Hope the line isn't too long!

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