Sunday, December 12, 2010

Children's Youth Group Cookies, Cocoa And Christmas Cards

This month's Children's Youth Group activity was Cookies, Cocoa and Christmas Cards. We made cookies and Christmas cards for some of the shut-in members of the church and enjoyed cookies and cocoa while doing so.

Like any good chefs, first we washed our hands...

And then we got to work! Now don't judge me because we used packaged dough, but when you're making cookies with a group of children under the age of 10, you go with what's easy and you dress it up creativity and fun!

We made about four different types of cookies including cookie pops for the kids to take home and then we paused for a cocoa break...

Before jumping into CRAFTS! We made Christmas cards to deliver with our cookies and paper plate wreaths and jingle bell ornaments to take home.

I'd say everyone had a GREAT time!

And the most wonderful part of the whole thing was that EVERY CHILD was excited to deliver these delicious treats to people they didn't even know. I LOVE that I can share these experiences with my youth group kids that they may not be able to have at any other point in their lives. Thank you, God, for using me in this situation!

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